When things get really rough this is where I'll make my last stand. 200sq ft.+- cabin. A small wood burning stove. An outhouse behind the shed. A couple oil lamps and I've just projected myself back to the future.
This blog is dedicated to remaining dry during the coming social/economic storm.
Every since life began to form on this planet survival has been an absolute necessity. All living things have had to immediately come to grips with that reality or perish. Evolution is, in large part, merely life choosing to adapt in order to guarantee its survival.
Today in the U.S. we face the greatest social upheaval any of us have ever faced. Our way of life, for many reasons, is drastically changing. The huge bubble we have created for ourselves and filled with “stuff” that we deemed absolutely necessary in order to survive and be happy in this country is bursting as I write this. Trying to hold on to it will soon be futile. You may as well try grasping the wind.
Is this the end? No.
This is the beginning. The beginning of something perhaps far more enjoyable than your plush little bubble ever was.
This blog will soon be filled with all sorts of ideas and things you can do to insure your safety and survival (even enjoy it) during the coming dark age. This thing ain't going away folks so you might as well suck it up and prepare for it.
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