Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2009 Predictions
Alright! I finally got a blog. Now I can make a list of predictions like every other crackpot on the internet does.
So here we go. As I gaze into a very foggy future and snatch a meandering thought . . . (drum roll). It is now time to predict.
First I would say to everybody who works for a living, you all better start taking this social/economic depressive thing for real and begin in earnest to prepare for you and your families survival. It has already gotten much worse since I started this blog and its going to get a lot more worse in the coming year.
By now, it's too late to think about getting out of debt, you just gotta realize if your in over your head that your (and a zillion other Americans) credit rating is going to tank this year. Work on the debt with high interest and save the no interest medical bills for last. They have been ripping you off for decades anyways.
To those of you buying SUV'S cause the gas prices are down a bit my advice is to save room in it for your sleeping bags cause that lovely new gas hog will soon be your bedroom as you boot scoot across the State trying to evade the shaggy headed repo Dog (till you run out gas that is.)
Pssssttt . . . Don't forget the backpack for when you do cause well, no offense, but there is no hope for you, you are dead meat anyways. You have been culled by natural selection. Sorry. When they said,”duck!” you thought they meant the kind that flies, right? . . . wrong!
If you do happen to still have a boring office job 2009 is not the time to start thinking of a career change. Wanna be foot loose and fancy free like us carpenters have been all our lives? Just stay where your at, you'll be free from it all soon enough.
ECONOMY : It's going to get a whole lot worse for the yuppie crowd who have sold their souls to the company store so they could have more “stuff” on credit.
Guess what? You are going to be the big loser this year.
I predict that the credit card industry is about to tank alongside their buddies.
I predict we will run out of bail out money and those financial industries living on the hand outs will tank also.
Auto industry . . . going down!
Manufacturing industry . . . going down!
Building Industry . . . going down!
Health care industry . . . up for the haves, down for the have nots!
To the back-to-the-landers. (and the Amish) You are by far going to be the winners! Yeah!! (except, for the very wealthy who caused this whole thing and never lose, of course)
You will hardly know the difference as being broke has been a way of life for so long you'll not much feel the economic crunch. Grow a larger garden this year and plant potatoes, beans, corn, and squash. Enough to feed yours, and some extra to share with your down and out yuppie neighbors who are suddenly realizing the joy of corporate living.
To the vast most-in-the-middle. Watch it! (and read my first entries in this blog over)
I make my economic doom and gloom prediction for our economy because of only one thing . . .
NO JOBS. . . that's it. I ain't smart enough to read the charts or to understand the money managers. I AM smart enough to read the fear on the faces of most of the people I run into these days though. Fear of finding a job mostly(cause the one they had is already gone)
FACT: All the kings horses and all the kings men (along side Obama) cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again cause they lost the glue needed to do so. They have, in a few short (Republican greed inspired years), destroyed the foundational manufacturing power of this country when they sent the jobs overseas.
The strongest industrial base the world has ever known that was created during WW2 has been disabled, torn apart, and shipped to China/Mexico/and others in the name of free trade. Whats left has been antiquated by CEO short term skimming. And guess what? Nobody thought of replacing any jobs. They all thought enslaving the ex-worker with a welfare system would kill two birds with one stone, I guess.
OK the economic predictions are kinda gloomy, let's try the military ones. We're the bad ass of the world . . . right? Well..........
MILITARY: How long can this country remain a military powerhouse when we have to import our supply's and borrow money to fight our duel wars from a future enemy? No need to predict that one.
How long can we afford to spend 12 billion bucks a month fighting a rag tag army of “evil doers” who can create a low cost IED quite capable of blowing to hell our highly sophisticated, highly expensive, road driving equipment? No need to predict that one.
How long can we continue to use large scale battle plans in a gorilla war environment? Ask anybody (except the Pentagon of course) how well that worked for us in Vietnam. No need to predict that one.
How long can we keep our professional mercenaries fighting until the old days of the citizen soldier are reawakened because of need and lack of funds? And boy thats going to open up a bucket full of shit for todays little darlings. (and put an end to this preemptive business as well)
I predict that we are going to need to make drastic changes in our war think if we are ever going to be able to defend ourselves in the future against North Korea or Iran or China or Russia if taken on alone let alone if they team up against us.
We have the most highly evolved killing machine the world has ever know, but this machine is being run by political hacks and perfumed princes (David Hackworth quote concerning the general staff). The future bodes poorly for us as is.
Today we are more concerned with feeding the huge military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about than actually fielding an army that understands the enemy and knows how to, and what it will take to defeat it. Something the Chinese know and have been taught for centuries.
WARNING: China is at this moment having huge problems in their country as their foreign markets are drying up and their goods are piling up on the export dock. That is NOT a good thing and could very well begin their (I'll bet) plan on starting an end around assault on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia (and others in that region)
Think we are safe from their armies because of our oceans? Why would they even try for the US (haven't you heard the Mexicans are even going back home?) when the oil wealth is merely a short march through Pakistan into Iran (who may both become future allies of China)
The only thing stopping them at this point is the fact that we are their largest market and they would have to confront us somewhere along the way. Once we weaken? Fogetaboutit! Unless you believe everybody loves the US, that is. “we're the greatest country in the world by damn!” stops at the twelve mile limit.
Militarily we are quickly getting in way over our head and it behooves us to remember our allies before it's too late. I believe Obamma will do this. If not, we are toast because the US could never take a casualty count in the tens of thousands while fighting a war of aggression such as Iraq.
Painters: With endowments getting cut across the board the arts are in big trouble. But in my opinion they deserve it cause art these days suck overall anyways. The artist has forgotten that no matter how different and inspired his work is, it only works if others can interpret it. Scribbles and runs don't get it for a lot of us.
Music: Holy shit! What happened to music? I love music . . . go to sleep every night with my mp3 player going through headphones. Thank God for 60's music and the golden oldies. What they pass for music these days truly sucks. Rap?! . . . AHHH! The belly button, crouch to show your crotch female brigade?! . . . AHHH! What ever happened to dresses and a little bit of class? These girls remind me of (me sucky, fucky GI long time.) . . short time hookers. We need to get back to the necessity for PRACTICE before we become a rock star.
Writing: There are some great writers out there, but Dr Phil and Sylvia Brown seem to have cornered the publishing market. You will find the real writers on the internet slugging it out for their share of the self published market. The big publishing houses long ago gave up on anything but profitability.
I predict that the arts will continue to mirror the culture that spawns them. It's a shame because there are so many really great artists out there who never get a chance because of their lack of marketability.
I also predict this will all change after the depression. Especially in the folk/country genre as people simplify their lives.
Internet: It will remain free and clear of governmental restraint mainly because they are too dumb to figure out how to regulate it. . . unless Al Gore takes charge that is . . . cause he invented it, right?
Overall the coming year is going to be a very exciting time to be alive. With all that will be happening, both good and bad, people will be hard pressed to cry BORING! Any time soon. But as anybody who has ever been in shit up to their chins knows, it's much more fun to sit in a bar and brag about it after the fact than actually going through it.
So get on your waders folks it's all gonna be very interesting . . . some of you may even make it to 2010 alive and well . . . IF YOU USE THE BRAINS GOD GAVE YOU! Very important.
Stay tuned for predictions 2009 part 2
So here we go. As I gaze into a very foggy future and snatch a meandering thought . . . (drum roll). It is now time to predict.
First I would say to everybody who works for a living, you all better start taking this social/economic depressive thing for real and begin in earnest to prepare for you and your families survival. It has already gotten much worse since I started this blog and its going to get a lot more worse in the coming year.
By now, it's too late to think about getting out of debt, you just gotta realize if your in over your head that your (and a zillion other Americans) credit rating is going to tank this year. Work on the debt with high interest and save the no interest medical bills for last. They have been ripping you off for decades anyways.
To those of you buying SUV'S cause the gas prices are down a bit my advice is to save room in it for your sleeping bags cause that lovely new gas hog will soon be your bedroom as you boot scoot across the State trying to evade the shaggy headed repo Dog (till you run out gas that is.)
Pssssttt . . . Don't forget the backpack for when you do cause well, no offense, but there is no hope for you, you are dead meat anyways. You have been culled by natural selection. Sorry. When they said,”duck!” you thought they meant the kind that flies, right? . . . wrong!
If you do happen to still have a boring office job 2009 is not the time to start thinking of a career change. Wanna be foot loose and fancy free like us carpenters have been all our lives? Just stay where your at, you'll be free from it all soon enough.
ECONOMY : It's going to get a whole lot worse for the yuppie crowd who have sold their souls to the company store so they could have more “stuff” on credit.
Guess what? You are going to be the big loser this year.
I predict that the credit card industry is about to tank alongside their buddies.
I predict we will run out of bail out money and those financial industries living on the hand outs will tank also.
Auto industry . . . going down!
Manufacturing industry . . . going down!
Building Industry . . . going down!
Health care industry . . . up for the haves, down for the have nots!
To the back-to-the-landers. (and the Amish) You are by far going to be the winners! Yeah!! (except, for the very wealthy who caused this whole thing and never lose, of course)
You will hardly know the difference as being broke has been a way of life for so long you'll not much feel the economic crunch. Grow a larger garden this year and plant potatoes, beans, corn, and squash. Enough to feed yours, and some extra to share with your down and out yuppie neighbors who are suddenly realizing the joy of corporate living.
To the vast most-in-the-middle. Watch it! (and read my first entries in this blog over)
I make my economic doom and gloom prediction for our economy because of only one thing . . .
NO JOBS. . . that's it. I ain't smart enough to read the charts or to understand the money managers. I AM smart enough to read the fear on the faces of most of the people I run into these days though. Fear of finding a job mostly(cause the one they had is already gone)
FACT: All the kings horses and all the kings men (along side Obama) cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again cause they lost the glue needed to do so. They have, in a few short (Republican greed inspired years), destroyed the foundational manufacturing power of this country when they sent the jobs overseas.
The strongest industrial base the world has ever known that was created during WW2 has been disabled, torn apart, and shipped to China/Mexico/and others in the name of free trade. Whats left has been antiquated by CEO short term skimming. And guess what? Nobody thought of replacing any jobs. They all thought enslaving the ex-worker with a welfare system would kill two birds with one stone, I guess.
OK the economic predictions are kinda gloomy, let's try the military ones. We're the bad ass of the world . . . right? Well..........
MILITARY: How long can this country remain a military powerhouse when we have to import our supply's and borrow money to fight our duel wars from a future enemy? No need to predict that one.
How long can we afford to spend 12 billion bucks a month fighting a rag tag army of “evil doers” who can create a low cost IED quite capable of blowing to hell our highly sophisticated, highly expensive, road driving equipment? No need to predict that one.
How long can we continue to use large scale battle plans in a gorilla war environment? Ask anybody (except the Pentagon of course) how well that worked for us in Vietnam. No need to predict that one.
How long can we keep our professional mercenaries fighting until the old days of the citizen soldier are reawakened because of need and lack of funds? And boy thats going to open up a bucket full of shit for todays little darlings. (and put an end to this preemptive business as well)
I predict that we are going to need to make drastic changes in our war think if we are ever going to be able to defend ourselves in the future against North Korea or Iran or China or Russia if taken on alone let alone if they team up against us.
We have the most highly evolved killing machine the world has ever know, but this machine is being run by political hacks and perfumed princes (David Hackworth quote concerning the general staff). The future bodes poorly for us as is.
Today we are more concerned with feeding the huge military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about than actually fielding an army that understands the enemy and knows how to, and what it will take to defeat it. Something the Chinese know and have been taught for centuries.
WARNING: China is at this moment having huge problems in their country as their foreign markets are drying up and their goods are piling up on the export dock. That is NOT a good thing and could very well begin their (I'll bet) plan on starting an end around assault on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia (and others in that region)
Think we are safe from their armies because of our oceans? Why would they even try for the US (haven't you heard the Mexicans are even going back home?) when the oil wealth is merely a short march through Pakistan into Iran (who may both become future allies of China)
The only thing stopping them at this point is the fact that we are their largest market and they would have to confront us somewhere along the way. Once we weaken? Fogetaboutit! Unless you believe everybody loves the US, that is. “we're the greatest country in the world by damn!” stops at the twelve mile limit.
Militarily we are quickly getting in way over our head and it behooves us to remember our allies before it's too late. I believe Obamma will do this. If not, we are toast because the US could never take a casualty count in the tens of thousands while fighting a war of aggression such as Iraq.
Painters: With endowments getting cut across the board the arts are in big trouble. But in my opinion they deserve it cause art these days suck overall anyways. The artist has forgotten that no matter how different and inspired his work is, it only works if others can interpret it. Scribbles and runs don't get it for a lot of us.
Music: Holy shit! What happened to music? I love music . . . go to sleep every night with my mp3 player going through headphones. Thank God for 60's music and the golden oldies. What they pass for music these days truly sucks. Rap?! . . . AHHH! The belly button, crouch to show your crotch female brigade?! . . . AHHH! What ever happened to dresses and a little bit of class? These girls remind me of (me sucky, fucky GI long time.) . . short time hookers. We need to get back to the necessity for PRACTICE before we become a rock star.
Writing: There are some great writers out there, but Dr Phil and Sylvia Brown seem to have cornered the publishing market. You will find the real writers on the internet slugging it out for their share of the self published market. The big publishing houses long ago gave up on anything but profitability.
I predict that the arts will continue to mirror the culture that spawns them. It's a shame because there are so many really great artists out there who never get a chance because of their lack of marketability.
I also predict this will all change after the depression. Especially in the folk/country genre as people simplify their lives.
Internet: It will remain free and clear of governmental restraint mainly because they are too dumb to figure out how to regulate it. . . unless Al Gore takes charge that is . . . cause he invented it, right?
Overall the coming year is going to be a very exciting time to be alive. With all that will be happening, both good and bad, people will be hard pressed to cry BORING! Any time soon. But as anybody who has ever been in shit up to their chins knows, it's much more fun to sit in a bar and brag about it after the fact than actually going through it.
So get on your waders folks it's all gonna be very interesting . . . some of you may even make it to 2010 alive and well . . . IF YOU USE THE BRAINS GOD GAVE YOU! Very important.
Stay tuned for predictions 2009 part 2
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